

100% Recycled Kraft Paper Mailers 10x13 (Case Size 250) / Pack of 100

100% Recycled Kraft Paper Mailers 10x13 (Case Size 250) / Pack of 100: A Sustainable Packaging Solution for Eco-Conscious Businesses


In today's fast-paced world, sustainability has become a pressing concern for businesses across the globe. As consumers become more aware of the environmental impact of their choices, the demand for eco-friendly products and packaging has significantly increased. In response to this demand, manufacturers have started to introduce innovative and sustainable packaging solutions, such as 100% recycled kraft paper mailers.

Overview of 100% Recycled Kraft Paper Mailers

The 100% recycled kraft paper mailers are an excellent alternative to traditional plastic mailers or bubble mailers commonly used for shipping and packaging purposes. These mailers are made from entirely recycled materials, reducing the need for using virgin materials and lessening the strain on the environment. The most common size available in the market is 10x13 inches, offering enough space to accommodate a variety of products. Each case includes 250 kraft paper mailers, and each pack contains 100 individual mailers.

Benefits of 100% Recycled Kraft Paper Mailers

1. Environmentally Friendly: The primary advantage of 100% recycled kraft paper mailers is their minimal environmental impact. By utilizing recycled materials, these mailers help reduce landfill waste and carbon emissions associated with the production and disposal of plastic mailers or bubble mailers. The use of recycled materials also conserves energy and reduces water consumption compared to the manufacturing of paper from virgin materials.

2. Sustainable Packaging Solution: With an increasing number of businesses adopting sustainable practices, using 100% recycled kraft paper mailers showcases a company's commitment to environmental responsibility. It allows businesses to align their packaging choices with their sustainability goals and attract eco-conscious consumers who prioritize environmentally friendly products.

3. Versatile and Durable: Despite their eco-friendly nature, 100% recycled kraft paper mailers are incredibly durable and can withstand the rigors of shipping. The kraft paper used in these mailers is tear-resistant, making it suitable for various products, including clothing, books, accessories, and lightweight electronics. The 10x13-inch size also provides ample space for packaging items of varying sizes.

4. Customizable: The kraft paper mailers are easily customizable, allowing businesses to incorporate branding elements into their packaging design. Custom printing options provide an opportunity to display a company's logo, tagline, or any other marketing message. This feature not only enhances brand visibility but also creates a positive impression of the company's commitment to sustainability.

5. Cost-Effective: 100% recycled kraft paper mailers offer a cost-effective packaging solution compared to traditional plastic mailers or bubble mailers. Despite being made from recycled materials, they maintain the necessary strength and durability required for shipping. This not only reduces packaging costs but also contributes to the overall affordability of the final product.


The rise of sustainability concerns has forced businesses to rethink their packaging choices. The introduction of 100% recycled kraft paper mailers has revolutionized the packaging industry by providing a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic mailers. With their eco-friendly nature, versatility, durability, and customization options, these mailers have become the go-to choice for businesses aiming to reduce their environmental impact while meeting their packaging needs. By opting for 100% recycled kraft paper mailers, businesses can contribute to a greener future, attract eco-conscious consumers, and enhance their brand image as environmentally responsible entities.


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